5 Top Tips on How To Detox from 2020 and Kick Start 2021

By Contributing Writer: Francis du Plessis, Clinic Client Services Manager - MO+

What you need to know about kick starting your 2021 detox

No doubt as you are reading the above headline and bracing yourselves for the mandatory and stereotypical health clichés about detoxing, regurgitated every January, post festive season like “juice cleanse your way to a new you,” or “Detox, by cutting out this and that”, you may be rolling your eyes.  You can probably almost taste that gruesome, potent “detox” drink that promises you a fresh start as you pierce your lips and hold your nose. Well, I am here to remind you that there are no quick fixes, no overnight solutions. Certainly, there’s no true detox to be found in a few bottles of packaged juice.  I invite you to enter this year with a calmer, more holistic approach to personal health. Undoubtedly, we could all use a bit of a detox from the year that was.

I am a huge advocate of setting positive intentions, encouraging optimism and finding constructive ways to shake off any negativity and weightiness which may have consumed us as we transition from one year to another.  These constructs are rooted in an educated look into your health and wellbeing, physically and mentally. So, put a pot of tea on the stove and let’s all take some “me” time and think about how we make the most of the year ahead.

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Here are my 5 Top Tips on how to detox from 2020 and kick start 2021.

1. Its ok to let go. As Bob said - don’t worry, be happy. Sounds simplistic right? Well, how many of us can say we never let the outside world determine our internal mental health? It’s something we can all do, but very rarely achieve. If 2020 taught us anything at all, it would be that sometimes you cannot control everything, and it’s ok to let go and concentrate on the things which enhance our daily lives, the things that truly matter to us.


To quote the Dalai Lama “If a problem is fixable, if a situation is such that you can do something about it, then there is no need to worry. If it's not fixable, then there is no help in worrying. There is no benefit in worrying whatsoever.”

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2. Keep it simple. How was lock down for you? Did you find yourself simplifying your life by 10, allowing the unnecessary to simply fall away? Did you realise that you didn’t need to be pushing yourself to the end of your physical or emotional limits to get through daily life? I heard so many wonderful stories about how grounding it was to return to what we remembered from our childhood, or how we began to consider real concepts of wellness at home and family interconnectivity. How we had more home cooked meals, more family time, going to bed early, growing our own vegetables and appreciating what we already had in our backyard. We started realising that happiness is not always born from that which exists outside of our home and our community, but rather, that we should be nourishing the humble, unassuming qualities that make life special, keeping it simple is sometimes enough.

One of my favourite things to bake over lockdown were banana muffins. See my recipe below:

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Makes 12 muffins:

2 overripe bananas
4 eggs
2 cups almond meal (or blend almonds yourself)
1 tsp baking soda
2 tbs coconut oil
1 tsp cinnamon
2 tsp cacao powder
1 tsp maca powder (can leave out if you don’t have)
Salt to taste


Cooking Instructions - Mix all the above ingredients together in a bowl until evenly combined. I like to use a masher to get the banana evenly mashed. Then cut up 6-8 large mejool dates and fold into the batter. (Make sure they are extra sticky and delicious) Coat a muffin tray with coconut oil and scoop even amounts of batter into each section. Place into the oven for 20-25 mins at 180 degrees Celsius, use a fork to test that they’re cooked through.

3. Hydrate – Yes, Yes, Yes, we heard this over and over yet so many of us forget. Our bodies truly thrive off a hydrated state. Stable digestion, glowing skin, optimum functioning of our internal organs – these are just a few of the extra ordinary effects of staying hydrated. Grab that glass first thing in the morning, keep a bottle on hand when out and about, you could even add some fresh fruit to keep things interesting. After massages at our clinic we recommend upping your water intake to aid the elimination of waste products that your therapist has worked out of your muscles, into circulation.

For those of you who felt an increase in anxiety in 2020 this is a great little helper. When you feel anxious or a build-up of tension coming on, grab that bottle of water and chug away. Try it next time, I promise you will feel better almost instantly.

4. Be Kind to your Liver – We are a lucky species; our bodies are nifty at managing their own detoxification and elimination processes. Despite this, we could absolutely offer a little support through some “liver-loving” goodness. Simply add a few more bitter greens into your diet, be generous with your cruciferous vegetables and grab a delicious handful of blueberries and your liver will thank you.

 The liver provides the functionality to encourage a smooth flow of energy and blood throughout the body. It regulates bile secretion, stores blood and is connected with the tendons, nails, and eyes. In Traditional Chinese Medicine it is suggested that the liver is the seat of our emotions, digestion and the processing of nutrients. The liver is associated with anger, depression, resentment, frustration and irritability. After the most extraordinary of years, in 2021 why not give your liver a break with some sour foods to help yourself find internal balance and emotional tranquility again.

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5. Make Time - for the most important person in your life, you. It’s so important to Schedule in some self-loving appointments during your day. Whatever you find relaxing, inspiring or calming – don’t put it off – make it happen. Run a heavenly warm bath and your favourite scented candles. Listen to calm music, sip a comforting tea rugged up on the couch, write in your journal, walk in nature or simply meditate – whatever relaxes your nervous system, make time, every day, for you. We have to learn to switch off and re-energise our nervous systems. As Courtney Carver says,

"When I’m tempted to skip my morning routine or another form of self-care, I remind myself that I can better serve the people I love and the projects I care about when I start with me"