Telehealth - Why Virtual Health Is the New Kid On The Block

The last couple of months have definitely made an impression on all of us. It may have been in a positive way because you chose to focus on the good that people around the world were doing for each other. Or it may have been less positive as you focused your attention on the sadness and loss. Whatever it was for you, it most certainly would be poignant and in some ways pivotal, marking of a turning point.

Many small businesses like ours have adapted to the changes brought on by Corona Season and for the wellness industry I feel it was a good change. Pushing to the forefront and on everyone’s lips is a concept though not new, but now renewed is Telehealth.

Telehealth shows us the importance of contact and togetherness. Yes of course it has a functional and rational argument but why do we want it? because it is innate in our human species to connect and desire contact. Isolation and social distancing have given us this clarity through the comparison of what we had before to what we have now.

Even if we cannot have a physical treatment with our favourite therapist we still want to feel that reassurance, comfort and advice from a professional who knows us, who knows our thoughts and feelings as well as our bodily aches and pains. During these uncertain times we want that someone to virtually have us in their hands.

At MO+ we made adaptability our middle name and while we were not able to physically assist you, we were busily re-inventing ourselves. So here we are late April 2020 launching our Telehealth services, eWellness.

 Twelve months ago it did not even occur to the wellness industry that virtual health would be a thing, but here we are on the verge of a whole new e-wellness explosion. As we venture into May I feel this new kid on the block is here to stay. We will integrate this service into our lives not because we need it but because we want it. When we’re stuck at home or travelling for work, living out of a suitcase in a strange town or simply don’t have the option to get to a therapist, Telehealth can help you feel calm, connected and balanced again.

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MO+ Yvette Forbes Acupuncturist TCM practitioner Massage Osteopathy Bondi Junction.jpg
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MO+ Sam Minkin Musculoskeletal Therapist Bondi Junction.jpg
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At home advice and tips will be coming your way from our MO+ team on Osteo, Musculoskeletal, Acupuncture, Self-Care, Facial Yoga, Beauty and now from our newest additions to the MO+ team, Exercise & Fitness coaching. As always we look forward to helping you with your health concerns and hope to connect with you soon in the virtual world.
